PLEDGE to Be Pesticide-Free
Add your home, business, school, place of worship, community garden, or farm, to a map of safe havens for people, birds, pets, and pollinators. The map provides anonymized research data and inspires neighbors to join you.
Every plate creates new habitat and grows this movement!
Support pollinators everywhere you go by ordering Protect Pollinator specialty plates for your car or motorcycle. Plate donations fund PPAN's statewide Habitat Grants Program.
Restore biodiversity, feed the bees, and enjoy the flowers!
Whether you're 'Coloradoscaping' with all native plants, adding floral forage to your vegetable garden, or planting prairie strips on your farm, every single plant counts! Get involved in habitat gardening today!

Share your pollinator gardens with us! Take pictures of your gardens and send them to us and we may add them here to share with the world!