Our Mission, Vision, &
Non-Discrimination Statement
Mission: The People and Pollinators Action Network (PPAN) promotes pollinator-friendly land management and landscaping practices through community education, engagement and advocacy to preserve biodiversity and safeguard public health.
Vision: A world with healthy, sustainable ecosystems where people and
pollinators can thrive now and for generations to come.
We work at the grassroots, municipal, and state levels to advocate for policies and practices that reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides and to create and connect swaths of pollinator-safe habitat with the intent of reversing the drastic decline of pollinator populations—upon which our very existence depends.
Non-Discrimination Policy:
People and Pollinators Action Network (PPAN) is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and environmental justice.
PPAN does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), sex, gender, gender identity or expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, or socioeconomic status in any of its activities, operations, employment, volunteer opportunities, delivery of program services, or distribution of resources and materials. We also practice wage transparency and do not discriminate based on pregnancy, childbirth, parenthood, or related conditions.
We firmly believe that all people deserve to live in an environmentally healthy world, free from poisons in their food, neighborhoods, and work lives. We recognize that environmental hazards and their health impacts disproportionately affect communities of color, low-income communities, indigenous peoples, and other historically marginalized populations. These disparities extend to occupational exposure, with agricultural workers, groundskeepers, and pesticide applicators facing heightened risks.
PPAN is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible experience to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. We ensure that people with disabilities have full and equal opportunity to access and benefit from our services and information, including through our website peopleandpollinators.org and all program activities.
Our commitments include:
Ensuring equal opportunity and access to our programs, services, resources, and employment;
Providing reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities;
Creating accessible digital content and communications;
Actively working to eliminate barriers to participation in environmental advocacy and education;
Promoting inclusive decision-making that amplifies diverse voices and perspectives;
Building partnerships with organizations serving underrepresented communities;
Creating multilingual materials and culturally responsive programming;
Maintaining a workplace and volunteer environment free from discrimination and harassment;
Regular review and evaluation of our practices to ensure they advance equity and accessibility.
We continue to work on protecting those who have no choice but to risk exposure to pesticides, either because of chemical plants in their neighborhoods, pesticide drift, or occupational exposure. We work to remember, always, the importance of biodiversity to healthy ecosystems while remaining aware that pesticides reduce biodiversity. We work to remain aware, always, that a profound lack of equity exists in human access to healthy ecosystems. We commit anew to improving access to healthy ecosystems for people of all backgrounds and income levels.
This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, members, clients, contractors, and partners of People and Pollinators Action Network. Any person who believes they have experienced or witnessed discrimination or faced accessibility barriers should report their concerns to PPAN leadership. Reports will be promptly investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted.
PPAN regularly reviews and updates this policy to ensure it reflects current best practices in advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and environmental justice. We welcome feedback from our community on how we can better serve all people and pollinators.
Contact information for questions or to submit complaints: info@peopleandpollinators.org.
PPAN's team members work remotely but our organization adhere's to Colorado's Anti-Discrimination Notices.