Outreach & Education
PPAN mobilizes communities in Colorado to take positive action for pollinators. We offer webinars, workshops, events, and presentations that engage with current pollinator issues and the steps we can take to protect both pollinator populations and human health.
Our outreach efforts aim to address negative stereotypes and connotations surrounding insects and other pollinator species, to drive home the significance of pollinators to both our ecosystems and daily lives, and to inspire collective action for pollinator conservation.
We have recruited over 2,300 individuals and businesses to take our pollinator pledge to use pollinator-safe practices on their properties, and continue to grow our passionate constituent and volunteer base.
Public Policy
PPAN works with both local and state governmental agencies and elected officials to encourage pollinator friendly policies in land and facility management.
We have been instrumental in passing municipal, county, and state resolutions to: (1) encourage the conservation of and transition to healthy pollinator habitat, (2) reduce the use of pesticides, and (3) engage the public to develop a better understanding of the importance of pollinators.
PPAN works collaboratively with a number of like-minded organizations doing similar work in Colorado to be as effective and efficient as possible.
Some of our current partners include the Sierra Club state chapter, Colorado State Beekeepers Association, Audubon Rockies, Denver Audubon, CO Native Plant Society, CO Wildlife Federation, Front Range Wild Ones, and Clean Label Project, to name a few.
See our "Coalitions" page for more information about our roles in a number of local and statewide groups promoting pollinator conservation and the safeguarding of public health.
In addition, we work with a number of cities to provide volunteer support for organically-managed public parks and the maintenance of native plant beds.
Beyond events, partnerships, and educational opportunities, PPAN is also growing a number of exciting projects, ranging from native habitat work to upcoming media campaigns. Stay tuned for more info and ways to get involved!