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Image by Cathy VanHeest


2024 Habitat Fund Grantees

We're excited to announce our 2024 pool of Habitat Fund grantees! This second round of grant-making was a difficult one as we were flooded with applications this year and funds were limited.

Still, we awarded $35,454 to 24 community groups for the restoration and development of pollinator-friendly habitat across the state. View our list of grantees and new Habitat Fund map here!

Since we launched the Habitat Fund, in May 2023, we've supported over 7 acres of new or restored pollinator-friendly habitat throughout Colorado. Read more here.

Want to help us create and connect more pollinator-safe habitat throughout Colorado? Support PPAN's Habitat Fund Today! Or Purchase a Colorado Pollinator License Plate! Your donation directly support PPAN's Habitat Fund! Get a CO Pollinator License Plate.



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