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Image by Cathy VanHeest



Join People and Pollinators for our Native Seed Swap and Native Plant Swap events each season in Colorado!

Photo from Denver Native Plant Swap
Photo from Denver Native Plant Swap

We will be posting new native seed and plant swaps as soon as we know about them in our News & Events blog, and on Facebook , so stay tuned! We hope to keep adding more of these amazing events each year.

Do you want to help organize a Native Plant Swap in your neighborhood? Or do you know of a local swap? Reach out to us. We love partnering with local organizations to make these events successful so that gardeners can share volunteers, seeds and seedlings.

These Native Plant Swap events are FREE and don't require that you bring any plants to share if you don't have any yet, once you get started growing natives you'll find that you'll have plenty to share in the years to come!

Upcoming Native Plant & Seed Swap Events:

Mark your calendars for our three upcoming October Seed Swaps in Denver, Colorado Springs, and Fort Collins:

Saturday 10/15/22 10am - 1pm Denver Native Seed Swap and Giveaway The Table Public House 2190 S. Platte River Drive, Denver, CO, 80223 Partners: People & Pollinators Action Network and Front Range Wild Ones Saturday 10/22/22 10am - 1pm Colorado Springs Native Seed Share Garden of the Gods Visitor Center 1805 N 30th St, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Partners: Colorado Native Plant Society, Manitou Pollinators, Manitou Seed Library and Front Range Wild Ones Saturday 10/29/22 10am - 1pm Fort Collins Native Seed Swap and Giveaway Wolverine Farm Publick House 316 Willow St, Fort Collins, CO 80524 Partners: People & Pollinators Action Network, Native Plant Society of Northern Colorado, League of Women Voters Pollinator Habitat Group, Nature in the City, City of Fort Collins, Audubon of the Rockies, Wildlands Restoration and Front Range Wild Ones

Got native plants? Collect seeds to share! See the video lower in this post to learn how to collect seeds.


Past Plant Swap Events:

SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 2022 AT 9AM – 12PM Past Event

Xeriscape Demonstration Garden 300 Laporte Ave. Fort Collins Share on Facebook »

Dig up, divide and donate pollinator plants grown free of chemicals from your garden. No plants to swap? No problem! You do not need to donate to take plants home. Please bring your own bag or box to take your new plants home.

We welcome donations of any pollinator plants, including native & non-native flowers, trees, shrubs, vegetables, herbs & other edibles. We are highlighting native plants at this swap because of their importance for native pollinator conservation.

Donating plants? Please review the following guidelines:

  • Label plants using provided plant tags or masking tape with as much information as possible, including:

    • common name

    • Latin name (for natives)

    • Sun requirements (sun, part shade, full shade)

    • water requirements once established (very low, occasional, regular)

  • Plants must be grown free of chemicals to protect pollinators. This means no herbicides, pesticides, fungicides or synthetic fertilizers.

  • To protect our natural areas, we also cannot accept plant donations that are listed as noxious weeds by the CO Dept. of Agriculture (view list).

Questions? Contact

This event is brought to you by: Audubon Rockies, Fort Collins Audubon Society, League of Women Voters, Nature in the City, People & Pollinators Action Network, and Wild Ones Front Range Chapter, Northern Chapter of the Colorado Native Plant Society and Wildland Restoration Volunteers.

Pinyon pine seedlings from the Denver Native Plant Swap, shown above.

June 12,2022

Past Event:

The Denver Native Plant Swap on June 12, 2022 was a huge success:

The check-in folks estimated 180 people participated, excluding volunteers…so we’re rounding to 200! We estimate conservatively that we had ~ 2,500 plants there, so on average, participants received ~12.5 plants each. That translates to more happy pollinators and a general boost in Denver’s biodiversity! Denver Native Plant Swap Details: The People and Pollinators Action Network, EarthLinks, Front Range Wild Ones, and the Metro Denver Chapter of the Colorado Native Plant Society are partnering together for this year’s Pollinator/Native Plant SWAP & GIVEAWAY at EarthLinks. Sunday, June 12, 2022 10am to 1pm Location: EarthLinks - 2746 W 13th Ave, Denver, CO 80204 The event is *FREE* to attend and open to the public. Learn more » Bringing plants to swap is encouraged but not necessary to participate. Our main goal is to educate our Metro Denver communities, and to encourage the growing of native, locally sourced, pollinator friendly species to promote sustainable landscaping practices in the parcels our communities steward. We do need plants! If you’re able to bring native plants, please let us know what you're bringing ahead of time here and please be sure to label each one that you bring with plant tags or masking tape. Provide as much information as possible. List the common name, botanical (Latin) name, sun requirements (Sun, Part Shade, Full Shade), height, bloom color and moisture requirements (High, Moderate, Low, Dry/Xeric) if you know them. **Please ensure that any plants you plan to share at the swap are grown free of chemicals to protect pollinator health: this means no herbicides, pesticides, fungicides or synthetic fertilizers. The bees will thank you! To protect our natural areas, we also cannot accept donations of plants that are listed as noxious weeds by the CO Dept. of Agriculture.** Volunteer! We are also seeking volunteers to help with the event set up on 6/11/22, and day of event facilitation and breakdown on 6/12/22. If you are interested in signing up for a volunteer shift, please sign up here. Some knowledge of natives is good, but not necessary; we’ll have some expertise on-site as a resource.



Northern Colorado Native Seed Swap Bolster your bird-friendly garden this fall with native seeds! Saturday, October 23, 2021 10:00am – 1:00pm MST Wolverine Farm Publick House 316 Willow St, Fort Collins, 80524 Learn more at:

Please join us for

our Northern Colorado Native Seed Swap! This event is free and open to the public. You do not need to provide seeds to participate in the swap. If you have access to native seeds, please put cleaned seeds in separate containers (a paper bag or envelope, or a glass jar; one species per container) and label each container with as much information as you can (the genus and species, common name(s), location collected (approximate elevation) and date/year


If you would like to arrange a donation of seeds ahead of the event or if you have any questions about how to collect and clean seeds, please email and we will offer you guidance and provide you with a drop-off location. Please reach out via email if you would like to volunteer for this event or participate in related Pop-Up Native Seed Collection and Cleaning Events.

If you have access to native seeds, please put clean seeds in separate containers (a paper bag or envelope, or a glass jar; one species per container) and LABEL EACH CONTAINER with as much information as you can (the GENUS AND SPECIES, common name(s), location collected (approximate elevation) and date/year collected.

Not sure how to collect and clean seeds? Watch the video above.

Thanks for joining People & Pollinators Action Network & co-hosts from the Wild Ones, Front Range Chapter, Colorado Native Plant SocietyManitou Pollinators, and Manitou Springs Seed Library for our Fall Native Seed Share in Colorado Springs. This event was FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and people did not need to provide seeds to participate in the share! Stay tuned for next year’s native plant swaps. Southern Colorado Native Seed Share Sunday, October 17 from 10:00am-1:00pm (PAST EVENT) Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center 1805 N 30th St, Colorado Springs Many thanks to our hosts at the Garden of the Gods Visitor and Nature Center The Metro Denver Colorado Native Plant Society Chapter partnered with People and Pollinators Action Network and Wild Ones (Front Range Chapter) in co-hosting the:

FREE Fall Native Seed Swap October 10, 2021 from 10AM-1PM (PAST EVENT) at Table Public House in Denver 2190 S Platte River Dr, Denver, CO 80223 Share Facebook event: This is a FREE event and you do not have to bring seeds in order to take some home! Native Plant Gardeners: We would love your help to make this event successful! Please start saving your native plant seeds to share with other native plant aficionados.

Check out this great website from our partners at Front Range Wild Ones:



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