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Image by Cathy VanHeest


NOCO Native Seed Collection!

NoCo Native Seed Collection

Saturday, October 21st

9am - noon

Roberts Ranch (meet @ King Soopers on N. College)


Native plant ecotype seeds come from the parent stock of plants that have evolved over time and adapted to an area's soils, geology, temperature, precipitation, disease resistance, elevation, and other environmental factors. By sharing wild population parent stock from our area to your backyard, we can enhance the gene diversity of Colorado native plants for our pollinators.

Roberts Ranch is considered a Colorado legacy ranch that was homesteaded in 1874 and is conserved with conservation easements that are not open to the pubic. This is a unique opportunity to explore the private ranch's beautiful plant diversity, with the owner's permission, and learn how the ranch operates to improve soil health by way of intensively managed rotational grazing. Read more and sign up here.

This event is hosted by Larimer Conservation District, USDA NRCS Fort Collins Field Office, & Roberts Ranch.

A Successful Bumble Bee Bash!

Thanks to all who came out for PPAN's 7th annual Bumble Bee Bash last month! It was a beautiful evening at Ollin Farms amidst the cottonwoods and wonderful to see so many smiling and familiar faces!

Your generous support helps to propel PPAN's work forward and made this our most successful event yet! We raised more than $16,500!

A special thanks to Mark & Kena Guttridge of Ollin Farms for hosting us on their beautiful farm, and to Nick DiDomenico for sharing his passion and work at Drylands Ecology Research!



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