Own a business? This June, consider participating in Colorado Pollinator Month to showcase your company's commitment to sustainability and to supporting pollinator-friendly practices in our state!
As a Colorado Pollinator Month Partner, your company's logo will be featured on PPAN's social media channels, in Colorado Pollinator Month promotions, and on our Colorado Pollinator Month webpage. View our 2023 CO Pollinator Month partners here (scroll down).

How to Participate: Choose to feature a special product promotion to benefit PPAN, host a pollinator-themed event, or simply promote Colorado's Pollinator License Plate—sales of which support the creation of pollinator-safe habitat in our state.
From choosing organic, to creating pesticide-free pollinator habitat, to advocating for state-wide pollinator-friendly land management practices
and policies—Colorado Pollinator Month offers companies a chance to bolster these efforts while raising awareness about their own support of pollinators.
Interested? Email us to share your ideas or to learn more!