Help PPAN make a difference for pollinators today with a Colorado Pollinator License Plate! Learn more »

Thanks for supporting Colorado pollinators by making a one-time donation on a sliding scale of $25 to $50 (with additional donations always welcomed) to People & Pollinators Action Network (PPAN). Your donation will directly promote the health of native pollinators, increase native pollinator habitat, and fund educational programs that encourage native pollinator biodiversity. Register for a Pollinator Plate today »
See Governor Jared Polis sign HB21-1145 (Support Pollinator Special License Plate) at Sage Organic Farms in Palisade on June 22, 2021 in the video:
The new Colorado License Plate Bill, passed Colorado’s House and Senate overwhelmingly this spring! Soon, you’ll be able to publicly demonstrate your support of Colorado’s pollinators by purchasing and prominently displaying the new pollinator license plate on your vehicle.
Sales of the new plate (hopefully in the summer of 2022) will generate support for programs that protect pollinators, create habitat and celebrate the indispensable role that pollinator species play in sustaining our agricultural and natural ecosystems.
Thanks to all of you who championed this bill by endorsing it or by reaching out to your legislators. Your efforts are sure to help boost awareness and funds for the important work we’re all doing at the grassroots, municipal, and state levels to protect the health of people, pollinators, and the planet!

The winner of our Pollinator License Plate Design Contest, is Denver local, Alain Suel. Congratulations Alain and thank you for this gorgeous design concept, which simply and beautifully encapsulates the importance of protecting native pollinators and habitat in Colorado! Alain featured the Hunts Bumblebee and the beautiful Blanket Flower — both native to Colorado. While the final color scheme may change, this concept will become the special new Colorado pollinator license plate, pursuant to adoption by the State Legislature. If the bill passes, we expect plates to be available next year so we’ll be sure to keep you posted!
Thanks to the nearly 50 artists who submitted designs. There were many beautiful submissions and we appreciate the time and effort you made to participate!
And a special thanks to Ray Story, Classrooms for Climate Action and Tiffany Boyd, Louisville Elementary 2nd graders, and First Gentleman Marlon Reis for participating in our Contest Reveal Webinar event earlier this month. Thanks also to Representative Cathy Kipp, Representative Matt Soper, Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis Colorado Senate District 17, and Cleave Simpson Colorado State Senator District 35 for sponsoring the bill! And thank you to Norris Design for sponsoring People and Pollinators Action Network‘s License Plate Design Contest! Thanks again to all and congrats again to Alain!