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Image by Cathy VanHeest


We have work to do, together. 

It is no coincidence that November is the season of both fallen leaves and rotting fruit—of death and decay—and also the season of rosehips, seeds, generosity, and gratitude. Endings lead to new beginnings and breakdowns can become breakthroughs. Importantly though, we cannot skip over the decomposition, the loss, the grief inherent in any process of true transformation. We can, however, practice gratitude for the abundance of the earth and the kindness that grows out of hardship.

As Robin Wall Kimmerer reminds us in The Serviceberry, “The practice for dealing with abundance is to give it away.” Last weekend, PPAN joined our partners and hundreds of devoted native plant propagators at the NOCO Native Seed Swap to do just that. Many thousands of seeds—lovingly collected, cleaned, and labeled by hand—were joyfully exchanged, and will grow into thousands of new plants to be given away next year.

Meanwhile, kids in Basalt, Colorado’s Pollinator Club inspired their Town Council to adopt its first Pollinator Proclamation.

Next week, hundreds of us will gather at the Colorado Pollinator Summit, which PPAN co-founded and helps to organize every year. 

These local actions may seem insignificant in the face of a federal lurch towards dismantling the EPA and exploiting our country’s public lands for private profits, but you have to remember: we are powerful when we act together. What you do matters. What we do matters. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. 

Here at PPAN we have our own ‘Project 2025’ laid out for next year (and beyond). We’ve got a decade of hard-won strategic knowledge on how to protect both people and pollinators under our belts, and are ready to expand our capacity significantly in 2025. We will continue to enact positive policy changes at the local and state levels—which will be more essential than ever in the years to come. We will work with all of you and our coalition partners to grow this grassroots movement for healthy communities. We will plant the future, literally, through our Habitat Grants program, seed swaps, plant giveaways, and volunteer programs. 

If everyone reading this gave $5 today,
our goal would be met. 
Please give. Please get involved. Please remember how powerful we are together.



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